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ⓘ Wir haben eine praktische Methode entwickelt, um schnell zu verstehen, was andere Nutzer von einem Produkt oder einer Dienstleistung halten. Unsere KI-Technologie betrachtet die Bewertungen, spürt die wichtigsten Emotionen auf und identifiziert die Kernthemen. All dies ordnen wir übersichtlich für Sie auf. So können Sie auf einen Blick die wichtigsten Meinungen sehen, ohne alle Bewertungen selbst lesen zu müssen. The Communication of Incogni has both positive and negative aspects. On the positive side, they provide regular reports on deleted content and open requests, resulting in fewer spam calls and emails (75%). Additionally, the service efficiently and quietly performs its job (90%). However, there are limitations such as only being able to provide one email address (50%), as well as issues with poor communication with support (30%), and a lack of clear communication overall (40%). There have also been complaints about lost money, an increase in spam emails, and ignored messages and requests (20%). Overall, while Incogni is efficient and provides some benefits, there are still areas that need improvement in terms of communication and customer support.